As published in Richmond Hill Neighbors - As in many small towns, there are businesses and then there are establishments. Leahy Art Gallery, or as owner Jim Leahy explained, Leahy Art Services started over 20 years ago here in Richmond Hill, 26 years ago to be exact out West. Jim and his wife Vikki moved here in 2002 because it was a great place to raise a family. It turns out it was also a great place to open his framing and installation business too.
This community loves Leahy’s jolly personality, “I am so happy here in Richmond Hill,” he said. “It’s like being on vacation everyday. I get up and select what it is I want to do that day and I just go and do it. I could be installing art collections for folks who are either unable to do it themselves or need some help selecting where things go and where they will look best. It makes me feel good when someone says ‘I love that guy’!”
He can also be found helping some of his Arts on the Coast (AOTC) friends with framing projects or creating a masterpiece of his own. It’s quite interesting that Leahy never envisioned an actual art career for himself, but it’s obvious he loves being in the thick of the arts in Richmond Hill.
Leahy shows off one of the latest works by AOC Member Carol A. Hartley
He is a founding member of AOTC and still serves on the board today. He remembers gathering at the library: “ Vikki was the first Treasurer and little 5-year old Gwen played under the tables as the foundation for that organization was planned. Seeing how it has grown has been great. We all knew it would.”
“Artists that live outside of Savannah need a place to gather and share what they have been working on. The quarterly meetings are the best. I personally like painting seascapes and landscapes, but I love what some of the more abstract artists are doing. If you are an artist, you need feedback from others. It’s invaluable. Artists need to show their work and the AOTC really facilitates that.”
Jim Leahy as a young boy drawing under the careful and encouraging instruction of his dad.
Leahy grew up in a family that fostered the arts. His father was an art teacher and deeply influenced Jim. His dad would initiate art contests amongst his siblings, teaching them about the principles and elements of design. Although his Dad passed a short time ago, he still channels him for input. He always shared his work with him.
“We would have a critique and to this day, my siblings and I agree. There were always two compliments, followed by the inevitable catch-word… ‘However…’ which prompted a suggested improvement, that in turn gave lasting encouragement.”
Leahy is a gem to this community at large, and the AOTC is ever grateful for his contributions. He is, and always will be an establishment.
Leahy Art Gallery is located at 11258 Ford Avenue in Richmond Hill. The Arts on the Coast Gallery is open on select weekdays from 11 am - 2 pm. The Arts on the Coast Estes Gallery located inside Great Oaks Bank is open Monday-Friday, 9 am - 5 pm. The Photopoint Gallery is open Tuesday-Saturday, 10 am - 4 pm. All local artists are strongly encouraged to visit and join the Arts on the Coast at
Leahy’s beautiful landscapes and seascapes capture not only Low Country culture (left), but the extraordinary color and texture of the South.