ENTRY NO. 23 / Dana Stickler

“Silent Majesty”
SIZE: 30 in. x 40 in.
MEDIUM: Acrylic
PRICE: $2,500

ARTWORK STATEMENT: The silent majesty of these mighty, but small birds of prey continually fascinate me. The past few years have been challenging; while allowing me to grow, become stronger, discover and stand in my own truth. During a very stressful time in my life, I kept hearing owls calling to one another one afternoon. I kept coming outdoors to see if I could spot them. All of a sudden, I glanced up just as an owl was swooping over the building and directly toward me. It flew so close to my head I wanted to reach up and glide my fingers along its feathers. That day a lot changed in my life. I made some difficult decisions but knew that I would continue to fly proud.